Friday, August 12, 2011

Looking for canals that don't have canal boat traffic on them?

Looking for canals that don't have canal boat traffic on them (but are filled with water) in the Wiltshire, Somerset and Kent areas for an ecological survey for my degree? Any help would be great! Thank you.

Mucinex side effects HELP!?

It seems you are having one of the rare allergic reactions to mucinex. This is apparent based on your dizziness and tightness in your chest and throat. You should IMMEDIATELY call 911 or your doctor and tell them that you think you are having an allergic reaction to Mucinex. You should bring the bottle with you if they call you in.

What do you think of my song?

I can see that you haven't had practice before, I mean it as a good thing. This being your first song you wrote, I personally liked it. I didn't think some parts were the best like the last half of the first stanza. But if this is truly your first song, well we might have another Bob Dylan in here

How can I keep myself from getting so soar after gymnastics training?

I train in gymnastics everyday for a couple hours, but I'm always so so soar! And I don't have a day to rest! How can I keep from being so soar all the time?

Why do so many Moslems go on a rampage when they are angry with the US ?

I have often seen on the news Moslem's going on a rampage,burning effigies of those they hate when they are offended, this I can understand,but what strikes me as nuts is that they often damage properties in their own countries and hurt their fellow citizens [e.g] car bombs. Cant they see the damage is being done to themselves and their actions are self destructive?

How can i get a student loan without a cosigner?

I need to get a student loan but I'm not a citizen of the US, does any one know any loans I can get that don't require me to have a cosigner?

Can you please brief me about ecological issues?

search ecological issues on Google, there are so many useful websites. Then record the information on a word doc or soemthing.

When do you sell your own company's stocks?

If the company is not as good as when you first bought it, thats when you sell. When I'm up big on a stock I always sell some, if you are trying to guess the market by selling all, you will almost always fail. Sell in parts and buy in parts. So if you have 300 shares and you are up big, sell 100 .... if it continues with a big run, sell another 100 ... then let the rest run. If it comes down and you still like it, but the 100 back.

Can a European(Portuguese) fellow become a police officer in USA?

You do not have to have a college degree to become a US citizen but you do have to meet quotas in immigration in order to get a visa as a potential permanent resident and then there is a waiting period before you can apply for citizenship plus you must be sponsored and have a job so it is not as easy as just showing up and applying for a job. Once you have that problem solved then you can contact any police department you think you might want to work for and ask what the requirements are.

Can the human race ever help the planet Earth to recover from the ecological damage it has suffered?

the same way we contribute to damage the planet, the same way we can contribute to slow down the process of damage which at the end no one can stop it because nothing is forever....with or without humans, this planet will be gone some day because this planet is a living thing and another planet will form somewhere in the universe.

Can someone help me with a problem I have?

I am having a problem with my penis. It always feels uncomfortable and soar. When I ejaculate it becomes very red and swollen. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me some cream for a rash. A week later I did a urine test and I had a urine infection which I finished my medication for. It has been like this for about 4 months to this day and it is still bothering me. What might this be??

Nipple piercings help please?

I'm a girl and I got mine at 15 (it rejected like 4 months later) and it was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. It was sore for almost 2 weeks. You have to keep it clean with a sea salt soak.

UNLV ARMY ROTC questions, please help!?

okay so ive recently changed my dream of wanting to go to westpoin r another academy to going my love university, UNLV in vegas here. i did so because i want to enjoy life while im in college while doing all i can to increase my dream to become a US Army Ranger and also so me and my girlfriend can get married and have a house instead of being away form eachother for 4 years. any one know about UNLV Army ROTC? and is there a decent chance of getting a scholorship from their army rotc if i have avery steady 3.3 gpa play football nad varsity wrestling, citizen and am, very physically fit. and one more thing is there anyway for me to go to ranger school while there? after airbourne or something? i heard its one of the best in the west coast and i want an engineering major, does UNLV offer this? any other info on the ROTC or college itself would be GREATLY appreciated:) thanks

Can you see how gay marriage could be abused to allow tax credits or invite foreigners into America?

First of all, Lever, it's probably harder than you think to bring a foreign citizen to the United States for the purpose of marriage; and second, why should you care who marries who for whatever reason?

I really need help in Life science?

In the time it took to put the story into your question, you could have done this. Things the queen can say, after repeating word for word what the Prince said to her...which equals 21 words toward your 300...not to mention any other explanation of what happened she needs to tell the King (more word count:) "So, if he continues to destroy our homes, we will live in yours!" "Why can't we all just get along?" "You play where we lived, so we'll play where you live!" "I have also come to warn the King that the Prince's promise kept, which broke his word to me, will mean ____, _____, and ____ for your kingdom. If a vow is not kept what value is any other vow from that person, what damage does that person (your son) do to your name and greater glory?" Expand on any of these, combine them, or take off on your own from them.

Is this the reason for our current economic troubles?

The three major ingredients in building and sustaining an economy are: energy, financing, and a supportive political system. Since 2000, oil prices have soared, ending the age of cheap oil that our economy was built upon. In exactly that same time-frame, the explosion of the shadow banking system has diverted money from the real economy and into the financial economy, while much better growth potential in foreign economies has sucked away any remaining financial capital. Despite what many politicians and ignorant political wannabes say, the US political climate from a business point-of-view has changed little in the past decade, remaining largely pro-business, but with a little extra room for financial interests. So, in conclusion, the energy and finance parts of the equation have deteriorated dramatically in the past 10 years, while the political factor has, at worst, only weakened slightly, but since the first two outweigh the last, the economy has lagged badly in the 2000s. Am I correct?

What compelling reasons are there to legislate in the favor of Gay marriage?

I totally agree with you. Also let me just add that couples who cant procreate most not be able to marry. Also men with low sperm counts. Oh also women with a T shaped uterus shouldn't either. Let's not forget the people with Huntington's disease cause they won't be around to raise the child. (sarcasm)

Can I marry my fiance then apply for her green card?

I am a US citizen and my Fiance is from Canada, I was wondering if we could get our marriage license get married then file for her US residency papers or do we have to do everything first? any info will help.

Fable 3,Monies and Promises?

I read somewhere that if you keep your promises and be good, All the citizens die, But if your bad,They hate you and survive, But it said if i get 7million gold,You can put it in the treasury and save the citizens, My problem is, How do I get 7 million? I cant do the cheat with 2 controllers and accounts, Because i only have one controller, So please help me?

Any advice for Marine wanting to become a pilot?

Hi. I'm in the Marines, and have always aspired to become a pilot. Today I saw an article on USA Today discussing how the Airline industry is going to be soaring for new pilots, within the next 10 years. It kind of got my hopes up again. Seeing as I only have a few years left in the Corps, and the new G.I bill will be covering flight training. It almost seems it was meant to be. Any advice? Preferably from current pilots.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Deforestation can lead to which ecological issue?

Deforesting causes many ecological issues. From your list the main problem is species extinction, caused through habitat loss and isolation of small populations/individuals (called fragmentation) which restricts gene flow. Deforestation also reduces uptake of carbon for photosynthesis and if burning occurs more carbon is released into the atmosphere. Removal of trees may also cause excessive soil erosion (Haiti).

What are 5 characteristics that make the grassland biome from other biomes?

i need help with my biology homework. and if you can, can you please give me a link to an image of an ecological food pyramid for this biome. thanks in advance

I am an American citizen and would like to know how often can I come in a year to France?

How long does an American citizen have to wait to go back to France from the US after having stayed in France for a 3 month period ?

Does this really matter for my graphic novel?

its totally not an issue about the universe setting, acually its kinda a cool concept of having a futuristic world but the people in it deal with daily life stuff that we'd see in this universe, personally i havent seen it before and it could really work well. from the above it seem that you want to focus more on characters rather than the world their in, so why not state at the begining what type of universe its based on and leave it at that, if you worry too much about it, it might cause issue in your story later on. As for the two stories above i acually like them, there really good ideas, you're characters are believable and you've given the characters backstory's some thought aswell. i think you should defently keep them. dont think too much about the world that its set in, most of the manga's and stuff i've read don't really explain the world they're based in very well, you just tend to notice the differences from the real world yourself. hmm seems i really rambled on, my bad :/ anyway i hope this helps and best of luck!

Please Somebody......How can I get rid of this cough?

Hi , It started last year when I was living in a cold country, I got a flu every few weeks. I got fever, cold , headaches,aches and pains and soar eyes and blocked nose and soar throat and a cough. I went to the doctor and was on antibiotics and steroids to help clear everything up. They worked abit but now I am left with a cough that i have the last year and cant get rid of it! It is a dry irritating cough that antibiotics and steroids and also I had acupuncture on which helped alittle but did not get rid of it! The cough is more frequent in the morning and at night and I find if i exercise my cough gets worse and physically drains me more than usual.I,m a very fit and healthy guy but when i exercise i can feel the fever coming back! If anybody could please tell me what i can do or what is wrong this would be a great help as at this stage now it is very annoying! Thanks for your Help!!

How do I get rid of the "POP-UPS" of on Yahoo when I answer my E-Mails?

I have pop-ups that show up when I answer my E-Mails and I am tired of it. I don't see an "Unsubscribe" at the bottom to click on to get rid of this annoyance as I am not looking for any dating service or anyone to date now or ever. I am a senior citizen and need to know how to get this stopped now!!!!!!

Can you please brief me about ecological issues?

i have got a project and i have found all topics but could not find this one if you could please me a 1 page information on it

Can someone help with my relationship?

Regardless of how much you love him, you deserve better respect than that. Why don't you try couples counseling.? All the best of luck to you.

Discuss theeffect of economic and ecological activities on the commercial placementsin rural settlements?

also apply this to rural development. i need the answer quickly for a research i have to submit on monday.

How do you think this will turn out?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

Who is responsible for creating the 14.5 Trillion dollar national debt citizens must pay off in USA?

Perhaps it is a scam & you as a consumer or taxpayer have paid Business & Govt enough already while they have been controlling your wages & incomes.

How can a typical TEENAGER reduce their ecological footprint?

im researching how a teenage can help reduce their ecological footprint.any ideas?be specific. it should apply to TEENAGERS:)

I have a really embarrassing question What should i do?

So i have been spotting in between my last period and my next. It seems like my breast have been soar since my last period. I started bleeding more yesterday but its light with little cramps. I have been having very bad mood swings. Is this hormonal issues or should i take a pregnancy test?

How does one interpret this?

There is a place called Tequila in Mexico, that many people have heard of from their export. It turns out, Tequila is a beautiful historic town that is surrounded by two mountains. The locals know the way to the top and from here there is a breathtaking view of the whole land, a gentle cool breeze, weird plants you probably have never even seen before, and eagles soaring down bellow. But even higher is a sheering rock that could break the necks of even the best climbers. And on top of this cliff is an iron cross that gleams in the afternoon sun. Somebody had the guts to climb up there only to plant this cross. Why? How does one explain this curious behaviour from the non-religious point of view?

World Issue that is of interest of you.?

Are you serious ? the only implication of my answer will be that you will have to do your own research and homework.

What will it take for the USA citizen majority to understand Regime Govt & Capitalism is a lethal Kleptocracy?

Democracy is mob rule, and always fails. We don't need more laws, we need to follow the ones we have. Repeal the 17th Amendment, and bring back the Republic. Sovereignty is the foundation of freedom.

Is pch a scam cant cash in tokens?

I have over 300,000 points they wont let me cash in they say I am not a citizen I am african american born chicago along with the fact i am a veteran

Worried about back! [Please help!]?

Nothing the doctor can do right away so forget that. YOu just have a good sleep. your back will be sore in the morning and maybe more painful the second daY. Then it should start getting better. That's the way it works after being run over by a buffalo and it sounds like you have the equivalent experience.

Can You Go to college right after highschool from the U.S to london or is it more to that?

I want to go to college in london but i dont have money to afford it so how will i be able to go to college there if im not a citizen? Im really confused need help thanks!

How long would Lindsay Lohan be in jail for if she was NOT a celebrity?

certainly longer and wow @you additional details, really? i'm not a fan of mj or do i know anything about his life but for real dude, his aunt was a judge

My throat is soar anything to help?

I'm going to a fountain with my friend and this morning I woke up and my throat was burning. Throughout the day I didn't want to eat. My throat hurt everytime I swallow and I need to feel better quick or I can't go. So any ideas except scotch being involved your good. thanx:) oh and I only wants to eat stuff cl and when I did it kept changing. Bye

Did colonial resistance to England's central bank cause the revolutionary war to start?

The central bank was established in the colonies against their wishes. Central bankers have a long and bloody history of corruption. It is believed by many that they have offed many presidents s/a Lincoln, Kennedy, and an attempt at Reagan. The Central bank has caused enormous inflation and is the reason energy prices have soared. Ron Paul will end the Central bank (aka the federal reserve), and restore a gold standardized economy which will stabilize our economy !

Can you please help me ?

It's a food web, because a food web shows how all the animals/organisms are all linked together. A nut may attract a mouse or a squirrel, which attracts a bird, which attracts a snake. If you take away one part of that web, the whole web/environment can be affected.

I really need help in Life science?

That's basically just the story of the frog prince, so why don't you look up the ending to that story, and get ideas from there? Maybe throw in something about environmental responsibility and promises that we as the dominant species need to make to the species that count on us. Also say something about how every species has a part to play in the ecosystem to help out other species. If a certain species went extinct because their habitat was destroyed, then other species would suffer as well (Use the frog getting the ball for the prince as an analogy for how we all need to co-operate between species).

If I killed an Illegal Immigrant, how can I get into trouble?

If i shoot a beaner in the face, how can i get into trouble with the law if he's not a legal citizen?

Graduating as an Anthropology Major...But what Masters should I get?

Nothing paranormal has ever been shown to exist, so you won't find any program offering it outside of a religion or mythology department. The others, maybe, just make sure you've got a plan for how you're going to use the degree before jumping into it.

If pigs grew wings and could fly would the price of bacon soar?....Would being pooped on be lucky too?

I don't see how being pooped on would be lucky. However one might expect bacon prices to rise as it would now be necessary to hunt and shoot down the pigs.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What are some good ecological magazine title ideas?

We are doing this project for school and i'm trying to make the magazine title page but i cant thing of a good name to call ourself. The magazine is about GMF's, pest control, in general its about plants and how we can help the earth!

Greece has the EU to bail them out, who would bail out the USA if it gets into trouble?

Medicaid and social security will account for almost half of American government spending by 2015. The other half is mostly interest payments on the country's soaring debt and discretionary spending, with about half of the latter going on defence. If they slip up by getting the maths wrong who will bail them out?

Did obama the usurper have to waste so much fuel to celebrate earth day?

That is always how liberals celebrate themselves saving the planet - by using ridiculous amounts of energy. Remember those "save the planet" free concerts?

Is it illegal to not give out cups of water? ?

I work at a small franchise sweets shop in a food court in Chicago, Il. Teenagers are always asking for cups of water which I'm not allowed to give out. Some of them say in Illinois it is required to give out cups of water to citizens. Is this true? I can't find anything online about this. Thanks. :)

Can you explain the Biology E/M section in the SAT Subjects Test?

the biology section in the sat subjects have separate questions of ecological and molecular biology. do i answer all the questions of molecular and ecological or do i skip the part i don't want to take and proceed with the one i want to? thanks for the help!

Is soars the only way to tell if ur muscles are growing?

Like if u work out but don't feel soar afterwards, ur muscles still growt right?? And is there anyway u can tell if they're growing besides ur muscles getting soar??

What are some ecological problems with Jurassic Park (the movie)?

I have to write a paper for an Ecology class about an ecological problem with the movie Jurassic Park, but I seriously cannot think of any problems that have to do with Ecology. I can think of the biological conflicts, but not ecological. Help!

Please help me with my homework!!!?

Choose a key idea of each person and describe how you would use it in the classroom. For example, Montessori suggests the idea that children are normalized when they are in an environment that meets their developmental needs. So how would you create that environment?

Constant lower back pain?

I advise not to go to a Chiropractor for two reasons, One, seeing a Chiropractor doesn't you teach you take care of your body. Also, recently Chiropractors have some adjustment go wrong with the results being death and paralyzes in patient, They mean well but often times they over look serious medical problems causing serious irreversible consequences. There is not time frame as to when your back will get better. You need to concentrate on some back stretching exercises. You may find a program on the Internet that you like better then the ones the doctor gave you. But you have to stop working out and do all the exercises daily ,three times a day for the next 21 days and see how you feel. I worked for Navy Fitness and you might also examine your work out techniques as they may be causing your problems. You seem to be going back and forth and not accomplishing anything. If you work out then listen to your body. Do not do any exercises suggested off this site as they do not have pictures attached to them. Pictures promote proper usage and modeling. You may get hurt or injured.

Do I have diabetes? If not what is it that I have?

Hi, so I woke up in the middle of the night a week ago with extreme pain in my left calf and I could barley move it but finally got it to move. The same thing happened only this time it was the other leg only a few more hours into the night. About 2 days ago I had this numbness in my calf's for most of the day and then I got those I guess you call it pins and needles in my left foot. Yesterday I had this little shock pain in my left calf near the back/left side and a little above the ankle. When the little shock-ish thing would come on it would feel weird and I would try not to step down hard on the leg by having my knee kick out a bit. At this moment I also have a runny nose, soar throat and have been sneezing allot. Also, I get pretty shaky hands when I do sports. BTW i'm 13 years old, and I am female.

Right after a ecological sucession, there will be the same plant species?

Not necessarily, the basis of the ecological sucession is the appearance of new species (that is new species sucessively dominate the area). So, speciation (in a way of saying), new species will come in form as a result of eco. sucession, but old species may or maynot be present after the sucession.

What's the worst that can happen?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

How to cure a soar throat fast without saltwater?

How can i cure my burning throat. I don't want to use salt water because its nasty. im a little picky. but can anyone help. please help fast i have a four day volleyball tournament and everyone is counting on me. i need help fast. So WORRIED. :(

Is it 10x easier to be a bar body (big arms thin legs) and be in really good shape then well proportioned?

When I run 5 days a week and throw in one to two upper body workouts a week my workout weeks seem very easy, but my body get disproportionate (big arms and thin legs), all I have to do is throw in 10 minutes of squats every time I do upper body and my legs will be proportionate, but throwing in squats means my lower body get soar (the part of my body I use for running and walking around at work) so I'm unmotivated to run and its annoying, does anyone else feel like its 10 times easier to be a bar body then have big arms and legs?

Do Korean citizens need visas before booking a flight to the US?

Hey, I'm a Korean citizen living in Korea. My visa is scheduled for next week but I'd like to book flights earlier. Do I need a visa to book a flight to the US?

What if tax brackets worked this way why can't the rich pay 70% on the first few 000 dollars too flat rate p?

It is not about if they have the money or they can afford to pay more, its about right and wrong, and making a person that has made a success of their lives pay for those that have not is wrong. What's wrong with EVERYONE paying a small flat rate. I'd like ot be able to go on line and search income of the US and give figures of how a flat rate would be a benefit over this progressive tax we have now, you know simple math, x-number of people making x-number of dollars equals x- number of dollars income tax verses what we have today, but amazingly you google that and it is not findable (though I suspect somewhere in the million plus hits that information is available but it ain't in the first 1000, do you wonder why?)

Why are Americans incapable is seeing that Capitalism is evil?

Capitalism, and its advocates, have so far succeeded in producing a feasible myth that socialism is 'evil'. It is no surprise that it has worked so well, in fact, as it has managed to put all under the illusion that they can prosper and live a good life under capitalism - whilst some can, I admit, it's no fallacy to say that the majority of people in this world do not prosper, and it is only the rich oligarchs that continue to prosper and manipulate the hard-working people.

What sparked the sue happy citizens of this country?

It seems that every little thing that happens to half of Americans results in them saying “I am going to sue.” What sparked this? Why do people think every little thing from a waiter insulting them to someone splashing water on them should result in a million dollar payday? Are people so wussy nowadays that they can't just deal with something petty without a lawsuit.

Male with bump under left nipple area?

Alright well here's the issue I'm having and first off I want to say I've been to my primary doctor a bunch of times in the last month but just noticed this today. 26/male/active not overweight 5"10 164 pounds. Ok directly above my left nipple, I have what feels like a squishy bump under my skin about the size of a nickle and it's not from what I can feel perfectly circlular shape. It has like a tail on its like a nickle with a tail and squichy. It moves around if I use my two fingers and need on it like a cat. After i move it around for a min my chest gets soar almost feels like a burning sensation. Now about a month and a half ago I noticed that my left rib right in line with this bump swelled or at least it feels swelled and I went to the er the night i felt the rib and they ran everything from ultra sounds to ekg's and drew blood from my artery ect..and nothing was wrong with my heart. What I did notice though is that the when they did the ultrasound it was more of just where my heart is, not in the nipple area. What could this be? maybe a sist? or a turmor? Whatever it is it's swelled up and I'm 90% sure it's whats making my rib feel swollen as well. Also in my left trap muscle area (that little triangle pouch between your back and your front collar bone trap area i guess right in front of your actual trap muscle theres a triangle shape made by your back and front collar bone?) it feels swollen as well..when i say swollen its not hudge but it's inflammed like i touch it on my left and theres not alot of "triangle" space but on my right theres alot more space there meaning the "triangle" indents more on my right then on my left. Any info would be helpful and I am going to my primary again in the morning. Thanks!

Please really help me I really need it!?

How could you make your ecological footprint smaller? Make a list of four choices you could make that would lessen your impact on the balance of the biosphere. Explain how each choice in your list would affect the cycles around you. You may want to do a quick web search to help you identify how your choice would have less impact on the balance of the biosphere.

Under 21 drink on U.S. tour to another country?

I am a U.S. citizen 18 years old on a tour from the U.S. to Italy. The Italian drinking age is 16 years old. I am under the age in the U.S. and I am on a tour, but I am in a different country. Can I drink?

How to get third party candidates on the ballot in my state?

I live in the sate of Pennsylvania. My state has a long standing reputation of oppressing third party candidates with a spot on the ballot. Since the 2012 election is in the not so distant future- what can I, the average uneducated citizen, do to get more choices involved in the democratic process?

A sincere question. 10 points to the best answer. Can you offer advice?

Being a human, I do not perceive dark skinned people as n i g g e r s but I see several posts mostly by trolls where dark skinned people are referred to by the forbidden n word. Being an educated citizen, I was brought up to believe that you should not discriminate anyone on the basis of caste, creed or race but the n word has become so common that I am wondering whether its still considered as a racist word or whether its a socially acceptable way of greeting the dark skinned people. I hear so many people referring to themselves by that word that I stand confused on whether I can address them that way. Could you please enlighten me on the subject and express your views regaring the same?

How much would I save by buying a F/F that uses 73kw less than the one I already use?

I have a choice of two fridges one cost less than the other. The 2nd one uses 73kw per annum less electricity apparently. I just wonder what the long term saving would be. I am trying my best to be as ecological as possible as I know our planet is in a fragile state. Thank you.....Vanessa

My great-grandfather was the son of a spanish citizen in a spanish colony- was he a spanish citizen too?

Whatever nations soil your born on is the country of your citezenshp this includes colonys and army bases if it is deemed as that nations soil then you are born to that nation hope this helps

Can regular civilians in Canada bear arms?

Can a regular Canadian citizen (someone who doesn't work for law enforecement or the military) own guns, and how many guns, and what types of guns (pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc)?

Please Review my Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps Essay?

It looks good to me. But to be honest I have no idea what they are looking for. Very good story. Good Luck!

Why do we still have a Monarchy in Canada?

Actually, you are not alone in this train of thought however you are in the minority and you are wrong in many ways.

Can I get a French or German Passport without Parent Consent at 16?

I moved to the U.S. when I was ten years old to go live with my mom. Since then my passport as expired. I would now like to study abroad but need to get a new passport without loosing my existing French-German Citizenship. Therefore I cannot become a U.S. citizen and would need a french or german passport, but my mom would be the only one able to sign the passport, as my dad will not sign it. Is there anyway to get it with only one parent, or no parents at all at 16 years old?

What are each of these economics courses?

All four will utilize concepts from micro and macro based theories, but they would fall into the broad "Macro" category. Examples of micro courses would be: compensation and wages, labor economics, and some health economics. Macro would cover international trade, exchange rates, stock market, and the like. These are more macro based.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dos any one no why im feeling like this?

im a 19 year old girl for the past 6 months i have been getting soar heads but the pain has got really bad some days its not as bad as others im always tiered my back really hurts two i feel like this is making me very bad tempered and i no this sounds sick but im finding things funny what really are not funny but have a bad phobia of going 2 the doctors dos any one no what it could be many thanks

If custody was given to father after 15 years/by fraud/has moved no address to another state how do i serve hi?

After filing for support modification-father files petition same day support is increased- he lied/forged documents/my daughter is deaf/father has been to prison for fraud/i had no lawyer, yet had proof from time my children were born of his un-involvement. He took me to court to stop child support from Illinois/ me and kids live in AZ. /he told judge he wanted to have kids in stable home with him and his wife, etc./ judge gave him custody after 15 yrs. and took my deaf daughter who was a straight 'A' student in public school -and has been since kindergarden away from all her accomplishments, friends since k-7 , all her overcome obstacles, voted by mayor as most outstanding citizen student for the whole school district (which he would not let her accept award due same week he got custody) and took her out of the middle of her first year in junior high where she was one of the most popular girls (even though she is deaf) and took her to Illinois where not one person knew her and he failed to inform school of handicap and so she tried to hide her deafness (she speaks perfect - due to my educating her at 3 years of age and getting her hearing aide) then he moved out of the home with his wife and file divorce with her and left my daughter to live with the stepmom and failed to let me know anything. He has since moved her once again to another school and is having her stay with his sister in Illinois and he has moved to Florida and I have no address. So, this child who had scholarships forthcoming and was amazing the school administrators of her capabilities is now a 'C' - 'D' student and I have never felt so helpless and so violated by our government that would do this to a child when the father did prison time for frauding a state agency and a municipal judge and had a police record 2 pages long from 10 years old on. I had nothing more than traffic tickets. I did not know how to present evidence or object to the lies he was telling. How can this be justice and is their any way my daughter who is 15 can ask to speak with a judge. This judge has destroyed my whole being and taken that of which he wants no responsiblity of after he got what he wanted - his child support stopped. Now he has another child he has put through abandonment with his wife he divorced. What can I do - I am, for the first time in my life - helpless and feel all my rights as a human have been violated. Can anyone steer me in some direction - any direction? It is so hard to stand by and watch what has taken a lifetime to blossum be destroyed.

Why do we still have the Monarch?

its good to have a monarch, didn't you like the royal wedding its all good. also you benefit more from them then you can possible fathom

Unexpected dream I had(very happy last day of school)?

I think it could be this. Your subconscience is telling you that if you are waiting for your world to be perfect to be happy or not be negative you will never be. The icecream is showing you that small things done for yourself every day can help you. You being more positive will help you make more friends because people like to be around positive people. Your Mom's car was your station in life right now and ceramstances you can't change. If you let others who are judging you or putting you down for this get to you then you are focusing on the wrong people. True friends will not care and will see you for you. Your sister was your reality check and messenger.

For those of us wise enough to recognise ecological propaganda as a fear-driven business market ...?

It is still important to safeguard natural patrimony, right? Like Amazonian rainforest or cool african animals?

I am located abroad, but I was a witness to several crimes commited by a man....?

Не ваше дело. Постарайтесь не обращать внимания (хотя чисто по-человечески это непросто).

Ecological foot print questions?

Ecological footprint is our impact on the world as in our species. For example, we use too much unrenewable resources which will make a big footprint(impact) in our environment. If we don't reduce our footprint, soon the world is going to turn against us and we'll be living in 2012(the movie) lol

Legend of zelda majoras mask?

in legend of zelda majoras mask how can you get hot spring water from the graveyard to the inside of the snowhead temple without it getting cold ive treid song of soaring but once i get halfway up the path to the entrance it gets cold again and there is stuff inside the temple thats frozen and i need to unfreeze them

Can you figure these out? Life science questions!?

there's nothing to figure out if you've A studied the subject and B pay attention to whats being said...

What is the Ecological role of Yersinia Pestis?

Y. Pestis is a pathogen. It causes Black Plague among other things. Ecological roles are difficult to define when talking about microbes; The world of microbes while related to our macroscopic world is a very different place. All species are driven to procreate and thrive.

Every time I eat fruit im ill the day after.............why?

I never eat fruit really. But every time ive tried to start eating it for my health i fall really ill with a cold or fever. I ate about 5 different fruits yesterday including, apple,pear,grapes,strawberries and a banana and today my throat is on fire feeling like im ready be sick and i generally feel like im just sick with a VERY soar throat. This happens EVERY time I eat fruit to be healthier, apart from that i never get ill. In fact only had a day of work when ill after eating fruit. Never ate fruit in high school and never had a single day off.

Why do people object to gay and transsexual people being second class citizens?

You're the biggest idiot ever. Gays and transexuals are not second class citizens. Everyone in America is equal. Go back to where you came from. No one wants you here anyways.

Is Mr. Barack Obama aware of what is going on in his administration?

Okay let us face it! A Mr. Axelrod keep on sending me communication about what the White House of how it is beautifully run and if I have some comments to make. the First Lady Muichelle also sent me some ways I can contribute something for the improvement of children's education or something. Do you think I have the nerve to help them out of what they are asking? If the White House have ignored my plea for intervention on what happened to my family after the Township of Belleville, New Jersey have violated my civil rights and got no answer from them, then, why would I even bother to answer them. I have requested them to delete me from their list, nothing happens. Imagine telling me I have been invited to a dinner with the President, is this not an insult, being ignored but then they strive to get my attention to them? HuH! Let someone get the Attention of Mr. Obama as to the needs of his fellow citizens first before Mr. Obama can solicit favors from us poor defenseless victims of corruption, okday?

Do I have pink eye, or symptoms?

On Monday morning I woke up with a soar throat. After a few days I had a soar throat, a fever at 101.7 degrees (which went away over night) a stuffy and runny nose, and a clogged ear. When I woke up this morning I noticed I had the main symptom of pink eye. My eyes were shut and I couldn't open them without taking whatever was on my eyelashes off. My Mom said my eye looks swollen. I've had Pink eye before and I don't know if I have the symptoms of it, or pink eye itself.

Politics: Are national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized?

We all know that a world-government will not be possible without a dictatorship, and that the bigger and more centralized a government becomes, the worse it gets for the citizens. But, is a national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized, which allows for corruption to become rampant and widespread? Do governments and people only thrive under city municipalities, where the government is more transparent to the people and can deal with their needs much better than a state or federal government can?

Is tightening your braces painful?

I've just gotten braces, and i have to go get them tightened soon, Is it painful at the time? or just soar afterwards?

Pregnancy or paranoia?

I know there is no way to know for sure until i take a test, but i would like to know your opinion. If i am pregnant, i would have conceived two weeks ago. If i put pressure on my nipples at all they are soar, and I started noticing this last night. I have been much hungrier than usual the last couple of days, along with more tired. I usually never take naps, but I have the last three days. I never really have symptoms for getting my period until it actually starts, so i don't think it is this, but i'm not positive. I'm irregular with my period also, so i can't judge by that. Is it too early to be having symptoms and i'm paranoid or do you think i could really be pregnant? thanks in advance! (oh and when should i take a test?)

Poem about ecological sucession.?

i need to write a poem about ecological sucession but i dont know where to begin. it needs to be at least 4 lines long. help?

Am I a U.S. citizen? If so, how do I go about getting the Documentation I need?

Ok, so I'm 17 years old, I came to the U.S. from Canada when I was four years old, with my Naturalized American mother, I read recently that the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 granted derivative citizenship to the minor children in the legal custody of U.S. citizens., I researched it and was told that I should apply for a passport to prove it, which I did...and I received a letter from he Passport office in South Carolina to my home in Georgia saying that I needed to send in a "Certificate of Citizenship" within 90 days, I don't know how to go through with this complicated process. I don't have this certificate, all these forms are very expensive, and I want to understand what it is that I need to do, because if I'm supposedly a citizen, then why all this trouble??! What do I do, anybody understand my situation that can help? I really am wanting to get my citizenship..and a job, and my permit/license. By the way, the passport office has kept my original birth certificate and has not sent it back. what do I need to do to get the documentation I need?

Why do tax brackets work this way why is it that a Rich/Wealthy person the first few 000 dollars may be taxed?

Not sure how to answer this. I do know that when FDR taxed the rich at 91% America was and continued to be the strongest wealthies country in the world and the rich were still happy, we had a strong middleclass and a very sound economy. When Reagan dropped the tax rate on the rich and the corporations and lowered tarriffs to suicidal levels our economy bumped up slightly not because of this but other reasons then began its 34decade long downward spiral to the near demise of America we are now witnessing. 2% Tarriffs are suicidal japan and china have tarriffs of 30 and 40% because they care about there economy and have yet to succumb to corporate greed.

A mini survey and poll for American (ONLY) boxing fans and citizens?

Yanks are boring and tacky, stop taking a hand to them with your questions, they have enough problems to deal with as obesity and domestic crime. I am not a yank, so why am i even answering this question? You're a bad influence for sure. By the way, i heard that Klitschko was the gaffer last night.

My friends 16 year old daughter went to Mexico to visit her dad and now she is very ill and in a coma.?

The mother does not have the funds to get to Mexico and she is at all loss on how she could get her daughter back to the states. There has to be something or someone that can help her! It has been 3 days now that her daughter has been in this coma!! Her daughter is a US citizen and her dad to whom she is with in mexico is not even on her birth certificate.

Fable 3 - Can I marry Elliot after becoming Queen?

I'm playing Fable 3 through for the second time, this time as the princess. Last game I killed Elise but this game I spared Elliot, rescued him during "Kidnapped," and told him to leave his fiance. He's waiting for me outside the orphanage and I can propose now, but I'd rather wait until I'm Queen (gotta sow my wild oats, ya know.) I will have enough gold to save every citizen from the darkness, but I do plan to build the brothel. Will he still be there? I've heard there's glitches too that might make him disappear. Please and thanks!

How do I know if I'm a US citizen?

My father became a U.S. Citizen on 2/10/1997. At that time I was 16 yrs old. On 8/16/1997 I got arrested and went to Juvenile Hall. I was placed on probation. My question is I'm I already a US citizen because my father became one when I was a minor?? Or I can't because I was incarcerated? Please help.

Should the millions of young illegal immigrants that were brought here be granted American citizens' rights?

I understand that if brought here as children, educated here, having American friends makes these children feel much more American. I really understand that they want to stay here. The problem is these children through no fault of their own are illegal aliens as are their parents. I do not think these children should have to pay a penalty but I do think that they should have to go back to their home country and apply for legal residency. Their parents should definitely have to pay a penalty that includes any moneys spent on them or their children. Things like medical care, education, and housing assistance. They should of course also have to return to their home country and apply for legal residency. No other country would just allow illegal immigrants to become legal. None. We need to secure our borders. Illegal immigration needs to be brought to a dead stop.

Should I talk to him after he's left me?

My fiance left me for a second time and I have no idea what to do. I was so angry with him but I really still am in love with him.When he left he said he loved me and wanted me but he couldn't cope with fighting that his life was moving at 100 miles per hour and that he needed to soar and couldn't dwelling on meaningless fights. So I left him a lone but as the days pass I have the urge to contact him more and more and I have no idea what to do. all of my friends say he was a complete idiot and didn't deserve me and a part of me agrees with them. I gave him my all...everything I could give and I feel as though he keeps playing head games with me with the leaving and coming back. But in the same sense its why I'm having such a hard time letting go I guess because I've put so much into him. I don't know if there is a chance for us to ever be together again but should I try and talk things out with him or let him be. The first time he left me he said it was because he needed to fix himself and then he came crawling back miserable saying he couldn't be without me. So I'm really confused. I know he has mental issues... as do I and i don't know if that's influencing anything but I feel so lost. I really don't want to lose him. What should I do...please help

What does it mean when someone says "economics of sustainability"?

Economics without degrading the environment.It will produce less than the point MC=MR to reduce the user cost for the next generation. Private cost will be equal to social cost,while private benefit should be equal to social benefit.It should be sustained, economically,culturally,biologically and politically.

So who's going to church tomorrow morning...?

i know you're all good citizens who will wake up early tomorrow and go to seek the devotion of the Lord... please don't tell me you're gona wake up late and watch youtube all day ??..

I had the weirdest dream ever!?

Lol. Wow. I've uh, never had a dream like that so I really don't know what to tell you. But, from what I do know about dreams is that sometimes you do get weird ones. There's only one solution: Get over it. It's probably something you've seen that day and the dream side of your brain figured out a way to switch into something totally irrelevant. Don't worry about it, it's not going to hurt you or something. It's just a dream.

How do you stop a coughing fit?

Last Friday I got a cold, and now I think it's gotten worse! I cough every second and it won't stop! I've eaten hot soup, drank tons of water, and 2 packages of cough drops. This cough has gone on for 5 days now and it just won't stop! When I sleep, I don't cough, I can't lay on my back because I'll cough so I'm always on my side of some sort. I can't eat dry foods because I get a HUGE coughing fit if I do, I can't talk much because I get another coughing fit so I'm stuck with pen and paper all the time. My nose is constantly runny and my coughing has gotten so bad that my throat hurts and my lungs and stomach are pinching with pain because the small coughs come every 1 minute or 30 seconds. I had a mucus problem in my through before but it's gone now and instead I'm getting a dry/soar throat. My lungs are in serious pain because the coughing just won't quit! I try and get as much sleep as I can and nothing's working! I doubt medicine will do anything because it's only temporary...Should I ask my doctor for more help?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is capitalism abjectly unprepared to handle the Ecological crisis we humans face on earth?

The eminent British Ecologist James Lovelock suggests humans are too stupid to fix our ecological problems, and suggests we'd need a totalitarian world government to truly fix the problem, bigger than small scale, individual profit driven motives.

What's wrong with me?

It all started with a soar throat and then a low fever (99-100) then I was about to go to bed after 2 days of having the fever and it was basically gone I had gotten a rash I just ignored it and went to bed I woke up at 2 AM and had to itch so bad and looked at my fingers and they were swollen big time. What do I do?? And what is it??

I am debating getting an electric dryer over a gas dryer.?

Is your laundry room wired for 220, if not it will take an electrician to make the hook up? We have never had a gas dryer so I can not give you a cost comparison.

Americans Plz Answer?

I don't know the answer to any but #4 july 1, 1867, for some reason I remembered it from school, since our Independence day was july 4, 1776 . But probably, it's because Canada isn't as interesting as the United States. Not being mean, just realistic

Can People from Ireland (Irish Citizens) join the US Airforce?

I want to become a fighter pilot but iam from Ireland and wish to immigrate to the United States to become one. But i dont know if you can join if you are not a citizenn.

I need Help with Biology questions can anyone help?

Pick the suggested answer you think to be correct, with the emphasis being on you. I hope that makes the task clearer.

Why are Americans incapable is seeing that Capitalism is evil?

Capitalism is evil in it's purest form, but most countries have a mix of capitalism and socialism (for example minimum wage, social security, health care, etc), but not pure capitalist nation exist in the world.

Is a national or state government too centralized?

We all know that a world-government will not be possible without a dictatorship, and that the bigger and more centralized a government becomes, the worse it gets for the citizens. But, is a national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized, which allows for corruption to become rampant and widespread? Do governments and people only thrive under city municipalities, where the government is more transparent to the people and can deal with their needs much better than a state or federal government can?

Would you be mad about this?

Today, my mom told me that she read my phone. She had no provocation to read my phone. I don't do drugs, have no "shady" friends, haven't changed my behavior (aside from the usual teenage girl mood swings, but I can't help those), had amazing grades in school, am a good citizen, healthy and active. I happened to leave my phone lying on the couch, and I fell asleep in my room (I had a nasty case of the flu :/) She told me today that yesterday, while I was taking my nap, she decided to "play" with my phone. My dad has the exact same phone as me. He was awake and home and not using his phone at the time. (I know this because he was working in his workshop all day and ignores his phone when he's in his "Zone"). My mother then preceded to read all my text messages. I happened to have some very old ones saved, from a few months ago. I had forgotten that they were saved in my inbox still. My mother says she was just playing, and "happened to somehow end up in [my] inbox." These messages were at the very bottom of my inbox and obviously weren't easy to find, considering I, the user (owner?) of the phone, had forgotten about them. The messages had no name on them, just a number. This is because I had deleted the contact from my phone. It was the number of my former best guy friend/on-off-on-off crush, whom I'll call "Kevin." They were of him begging, pleading, bargaining, threatening, cajoling, and eventually receiving, a topless picture of myself. I regret it immensely, and it has taken me a lot to get past my guilt and what I did, not to mention several weeks tips in expensive chocolate-therapy, chick-flicks, and sleepovers with my besties. I learned my lesson, and will never do it again. I know for a fact the pictures are no longer on "Kevin's" phone, and were not sent to anyone or stored anywhere by him. I had a fairly close relationship with my mom, but I had not told her about my picture fiasco. She figured out what happened by the saved and forgotten messages. She then confronted me. I told her the truth, and that I had learned my lesson, and will never do it again. But, she kept trying to pursue an issue that I have worked hard to bury from my mind. I didn't want to talk about it. I know why I did it, and so does God, and thats fine with me. I didn't want to dredge up all the regrets and memories that came with the long talk she was hoping for. She decided it would then be a good idea to remind me of it all day, after I made it clear I didn't want to be reminded of it, and then make "jokes" about me and my body that were hurtful. I am very angry that she looked through my phone, then wouldn't let an issue die that should be long dead and buried. Would you be mad? I'm livid. She does pay for my phone, even though I've offered many times to pay for it, so I know she technically has the right to look through it. But she should've asked me, not snooped while I was sick and asleep, and then lied about her intents. I would've taught her about my phone if she honestly want to learn about it. Why couldn't she leave alone the picture thing, even after I made it clear I didn't want to be reminded of that, and that I had delt with it? Can I ever trust her again? Because I have no trust in her right now. I feel very violated. She said she want us to have "an open, honest, close, sharing, trusting relationship." But that should mean she doesn't read through my phone while I'm gone and respects my feelings, right? Thanks for your opinions. I kind of just needed to vent a bit, but I want to hear what you have to say. Sorry it's so long, but I wanted you to understand the story.

What's causing the erratic weather conditions? is it "nature"?

If this is Global Warming, I want to go back to the way it was when I was growing up. Winters were not so cold and the spring came when it was supposed to. Here it is in June and still raining non stop when it should have stopped raining at the end of March. This is getting to be the norm, cold, wet, late summers instead of the hot dry summers we should be having.

What is the safety like for a single young female exploring southern Africa?

If youre blond, blue eyes and young you are at risk, don not go to poverty areas, there is a chance that you will be raped, because 90% of rapes go unpunished there, they would jump at the chance with a young blond, never travel alone.

Why do some people choose to use pre-emergent herbicide (besides ecological reasons) and think it not worth it?

the benefit of a preemergent is that it prevents those weeds from germinating, so you don't have to battle them as full blown plants. The downside, I've found, is that there is a narrow window in which they will prove effective. I don't know percentages, but do know that most users are those whose main interest is a lawn. Our concern is in actual garden beds, both raised beds with cutting flowers, and landscaped beds of ornamentals and perennials. It just saves us a lot of weeding come spring.

Moving to Spain, How hard is it?

I am 18 in a month and me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years now. He moved to spain 6 months ago when he turned 22 to be near his dad who is spanish and once i am 18 i wish to move out there with him . I have been taking spanish lessons for the past two-three years as i have known i will live out there. Anyway what i want to know is how i would go about moving there ? i live at home with my parents and have just finished my a-levels. I would be living with my boyfriend so i wouldn't need to worry about finding a house etc. if it helps we will probably get married in the next year or two also.. I would really apriciate any advice you could give about how i would go about moving :) oh and i have a british passport always have and i'm a british citizen. Thanks x

How many years would it take to accomplish these?

All as individual degrees? Over 20 years. However you could do modules in each during a conventional engineering course. Look up with university offers these modules on their course.

What is the purple losestrife original ecological niche?

They are native to European wetlands, and were foolishly introduced to North American wetlands where they have become a nuisance

What is a recognition letter for divorce ? my bf needs it in order to honor his divorced in philippines?

Hi! my boyfriend ( a filipino citizen) was divorced already to his ex wife ( a japanese citizen) . They get married in philippines and then moved in japan since his ex wife is a jap citizen, but theyre relationship failed and eventually filed a divorced in japan. It was acknowledge in japan since divorce is legal their. Now, he went home in the philippines, still a filipino citizen. Their divorced in japan dissolves automatically their marriage in phil because of article 26 (law about mixed marriages) but the local court in phil said that in order to be honored it completely, he needs a "recognition letter" from his wife. My question is what is a recognition letter? what does she need to write their? is it only her personal acknowledgement about their divorce or it is a legal document that can be taken in the city hall of japan? thankyou.... we are planning to get married soon and we want his status to be cleared first, legally. I am a US CITIZEN.

If I add Angelfish to this tank, what would happen?

I would suggest dwarf cichlids or a few mollies. Angels cant move as fast as platys however dwarf cichlids and mollies can catch the young ones faster. But be sure you get the same sex of mollies as they breed alot and you dont want your tank to be crowded with molly babies.

How can we cure the sacred Earth of the plague of human overpopulation?

Governments are pathetic and weak compared to the great power of Mother Earth. Just encourage people to adopt instead of breed new babies.

Why doesnt my boyfriend want to see me?

my boyfriend goes to football from 4-8 pm so he doesn'tt have time in the afternoon so I understand that but he hasall morning to come see me and when i ask him the night before he says idk and tryies to change the subject. then when morning comes its already like 12:00 when he wakes up because its summer. then i say can i see you for like two hours before you have to go and he says well im soar from football or i dont feel good or i just feel like staying home then i say well ill come there, weve been dating for a year and almost 7 months. and idk what to do anymore because now his excuse is football but before he used to say i just feel like staying home but then he'll go out with his family or friends. we used to see eachother like everyday. and all he has to say is sorry. so how can i get him to want to see me? why wont he see me?

Is this Defrauding the Government?

A Friend of mine knows a Family that has 7 Children every Child receives a Check from SSI because they are all labeled as being ADHD, Plus both Parents Recieve SSI because of Physical Disabilities. None of them have ever worked. They get about $6,600 a month. They are always buying new Computers, Cell Phones. These people are getting rich off of Our Taxes. But the Elderly,and Disabled Citizens that have Worked all of their lives can not even get Free Medicine, or Doctor Visits. They have to pay $150 a year before Medicare will cover anything + $100 a Month taken out of their Checks + up to $25 per Prescription. and can not even get Food Stamps. This Sucks

What are ecological constraints?

Any information for this would be much appreciated, I have been asked to write a piece on ecological constraints for my adaptations assignment. I was away for this lecture and have no clue what my tutor means my the term ecological constraints. PLEASE HELP!!!

When Obama says the "rich" have to sacrifice too...does he only mean rich Republicans?

I'm not putting source links cause i'm tired of doing that but you can google this. The top 1 % richest people pay 40% of all taxes. With the top 50% of earners paying 97% of all taxes. The Bottom 50% only pay 3% of taxes. Obviously none of the politicians want us to know this. The rich are paying almost all the taxes. Obama really can't have them pay much more. So since Obama knows this then why does he say he can have the rich pay so much more of the taxes? Hmmm.

Did I do wrong? How can I make up with my mom?

I had been sick the previous 3 days with a soar throat. I heard my mom in the bathroom with her obnoxious and whiney singing voice at 8:30 this morning. So i woke up kinda frustrated both at still be sick and my mom. Then I go to make tea for y throat and there i see ants crawling all around the honeypot and i freaked out. Then my mom says WHAT? in a loud screechy voice and i said there are ants. so she yells at me to toughen up and throw the jar away and i hesitate and then she starts to yell at me saying that she doesnt have time for this and then she points rudely over to the jar and on the way up it wacks me in the back. then i get defensive and get into my karate fighting stance and give her a little push. finally i throw out the jar and she says im grounded. it was a miserable morning because i was sick and she yelled at me.. what should i do about this? any advice would help.

Do i have genital herpes but haven't seen an outbreak?

Sorry to say, you describe the symptoms to the letter **T**, ie: itching,burning and don't forget the rash.....One is NEVER TOTALLY FREE of GENITAL HERPES....I repeat NEVER FREE**..One can CONTROL, but sadlt the Herpes Simplex Virus HANGS ON !!! As time goes on you will know when it is safe to engage in an intamite act, ie NO VISUAL SIGNS OUTWARD.....AGAIN NOT FREE FROM, but a quietening VISUALLY...PROTECTION IS MANDATORY, Not for yourself BUT FOR YOUR PARTNER'S****...ACYCLOVIR WILL BE AN ONGOING CURSE of TREATMENT, for the rest of your LIFE.....I hope for your sake, that it stops at Herpes!!! ...There are other venereal diseases, AIDS, HEPATITIS, the list is ENDLESS !! As a medical professional I have seen it ALL over my working career.....The %%%% of persons of ALL ages, ALL Genders, living with, contracted Sexually Trans Diseases is ON the RISE from 125%%---550%%%...Yes those numbers are 100% ACCURATE...For yourself and others that read this...ABSTINENCE is really the key, Condoms and all the rest of so called protection CAN & does FAIL......Hoping this info can be os some assistance to you, Take Care

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do I need a marital visa right away to return with my new wife to the UK, as she is a citizen of London?

I am an American 2x felon (a drug charge in 2000 and a theft charge in 2006). My fiancee is a UK citizen, and we are planning to meet in Cyprus. I plan on marrying her over there, and I wish to return to the London with her afterwards. I've heard that London is really strict on who they let into their country, but I've also heard that they like to keep families (married couples) together. Would I really need to get a marital visa before I can enter, or would they just respect our marriage license? I hope you guys can help me out here... Thanks in advance!

Ecological theory in relation to child protection?

I have to do an assignment which says to analyse and critically reflect the ecological theory and its application to the fields of child protection. I have to put subheading of arguments in the body of my reflective report , problem is I dont really know what arguments to put in. I have researched it so much but im struggling with it. anyone got any ideas?

Help with my Anthropology work?

If your textbook and class notes can't answer these questions, I would seriously consider attending another college or speaking with the instructor.

GM (Genetically Modified) food - good or bad?

i think it has potential only regarding money making and meeting grown demands .genetically modified food are said to cause changes in humans body on long time use. It certainly has environmental impacts.BT brinjal are made to endure insects preying on it by blending genes of frog and brinjal.however the insects and pests in farm develop the strength to eat it in course of time.the soil used to grow them is also affected. We have to remember that whatever we eat it enters in the food chain. The change we make in foods will bring change in us.

Yet another case of animal cruelty by the POLICE?

I think you need to wait for the full story, its been reported today the officer was found on the floor some distance away with a serious hand injury. For all you know he could have been knocked or was suffering from severe blood loss

My boyfriend just got an Cerebral Angiogram yesterday- is it normal to have pain just above the knee?

If I were you, I would just call the hospital and explain this to a nurse to see if they think that he needs to be seen. Given his history I would not leave anything to chance. It could be that when he had the procedure it could have dislodged another clot that had formed. He should always have things that are out of the norm checked because he has a history of vessel issues. Good luck. By the way, is he on any blood thinners? Usually persons with these kinds of problems are recommended to take a blood thinner or at least a baby aspirin daily. I would ask the doctor just to see what he/she says.

Bonds and how the secondary market works?

When the price rose to $160 it means interest rates fell and they were paying a better rate of interest than other bonds on the market. So it was to the benefit of the company to call the bonds and issue other bonds at the lower interest rates.

Has anyone heard of a ecological conveyor belt, and if so how is it affected by Global Warming?

There is a current that circles the Atlantic called "The Grand Conveyor Belt". If global warming continues to occur, you will see Britain take on the weather of say Norway or Sweden. People don't realize that places can cool under a warming planet.

Information about the evolutionary of intelligence?

I need to know as much as possible on the evolutionary of intelligence regarding ecological demands and the social complexity theory so any any information would help. Thanks

I want to move to mexico from uk?

This is true, you need to go see or at least write to the Mexican Embassy in London, there they will help you with the paperwork you require, i lived there and did not need a Visa, but i had to apply for an FM2 or FM3, the FM3 is if you want to work so when you get to Mexico apply for one, they will tell you what your require, if you do go, make sure you take translated copies of you documents, Birth Certificate is very useful. Mexico is a cheap country to live but can be hard to find work at time, although the economy is not hit bad with the recession.

When your sore, is it better to take hot showers or cold showers?

I just joined the cheerleading team and we started cheerleadin boot camp and the workouts are EXTREME! my back is soar, my butt, my abs, and my thighs. I heard hot showers help relax the muscles but i also heard that cold showers are better, thats why athletes take ice baths. But im not sure which is true. so since i was really soar and need to relaz my muscles, is it better to take a hot or a cold shower?

American Government Survey?

Whats 5 things that you have learned over the years about how laws are made, how officials are influenced by Interest Groups, and how you as a citizen can influence government ?

My boyfriend just got an Cerebral Angiogram yesterday- is it normal to have pain just above the knee?

I would think that if it was an emergency his doctor would have called him or would have had someone call him. In this case I think no news is good news. :)

Insects that have aquatic larval stage and terrestrial adult stage....?

In cases where the larvae are aquatic, the adults generally emerge in the warm season (spring, summer or fall depending on the species, usually spring or summer) and either die soon after reproducing (like mayflies) or with the first frost.

What are these white things on the back of my throat?

so i had a really bad cough and my throat was really soar cause i suddenly got sick. i lost my voice a bit an i was coughing up mucus and it happened very fast. now that my cough and soar throat is gone and im pretty much all better i found some white things on the back of my throat they are whiteish to yellowish and there is many they dont hurt or anything just creep me out and im a bit worried as to what it may be. iv heard of people saying they have had something like this and scraped it off. but im not sure i have that. its not on my tonsils just right at the back of my throat. iv yet to scrape at them but iv barely touched them with a tooth brush and they dont hurt. could it be caused by my really sore throat from earlier or is it something else all together?

Are soar boobs always the first sign of pregnancy?

me and my boifriend have sex on any chance we get, and no we dont use a condom cuz we do want to have a its been on my mind alot and when most ppl talk about bein preqnant they always say their boobs boobs dont hurt but i have qotten head aches that seem to never qo away, a pair of shorts i fit in a like a couple of weeks aqo are now a lil tiqht on me, idrink a lil bit of water or somethinq and i feel like my bladder is qoin 2 explode, ive had some feelinq of throwinq up and some smells are stronqer to mee than they used to be...also my stomach is feelinq a little bit hard in the lower culd i be preqnant or is it just all in my head....oh yeah like a few weeks aqo i took a test n was neqative but ppl have told me that they took the test multiple times, came out neqative but were actually preqnant....

I have questions about the US Merchant Marines Academy?

I want to become a ship captain and i have found that this is a good academy. Is this true? Do i have to be a US citizen to study there(I'm European by the way)? Will there be many physical exercises? Will i be able to find a job soon when i graduate or i'll have to study somewhere else too?

Do you know what Agenda 21 is?

Take away people's land, possessions, and protection (firearms), and you can lead them to their extermination.

For Christians and Atheists; evolution makes sense; hypothetically - how in the world is it anti-creationism?

In general, science says nothing about gods or creation - so science is not necessarily anti-creation. However, ALL of modern science - biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, etc. - indicates that a literal interpretation of the Bible is not possible.

What are some current global issues?

Okay so like I have to do a PowerPoint slide show on a current global social issue. It has to be related to political, economic, cultural, structural, ecological, environmental, demographic, or technological change. I just need a start. I am taking sociology and its kind of confusing. I will do all the needed research, I just need some ideas as to where to begin. Thanks, oh yeah, Id love to know why you chose what you chose, like the pros and cons in your opinions. Thanks again!!

Can a capitalistic system handle the ecological crisis facing humanity?

What ecological crisis? You bought into the BS. The Earth Heats and Cools in cycles. Those cycles can and have lasted hundreds or thousands of years. Species of plants and animals go extinct all the time and are replaced with other ones. That has happened for hundreds, thousands and millions of years. Man is just a pimple on the butt of the Earth.

Nipple piercings help please?

ARE YOU ******* GAY!!!! if your straight dont get one, youll be laughed at, if your gay then, well... never mind.

I need relationship advice, for a gay teen. It's kind of complicated.?

So I met this guy on facebook, he is 21, and I am 15. We're both gay, and he is from Egypt and I'm in the US. We are great friends, and I feel like I'm starting to fall for him. He is coming to the US in three years to become a citizen, and he will live only 25 minutes away from me. Do you think I should pursue a real relationship with him, or should I wait until I'm 18? Should we just be friends for now, and then try something more advanced when he's here?

How many types of selections are there in evolution?

YOur a monk over a fier and acnt telling secrets btu ou doo, and since ou aint died and such rot. Nice.

If I go swimming in sea water will it cure my cold or make it worse?

Well I have a normal common cold/Blocked nose and abit of a soar throat but you know how annoying it is!! So If i go swimming with my friends will it help since its sea water or...? This mornin i think i might have a bit of a temperature haven't checked yet but if so can i still swim..?

Does medication do more harm than good? What's the point of taking them?

Sure there are some benefits but for my case I think the negatives outweigh the positives. Without my medication I feel more even. On meds, I feel great but as soon as it wears off I feel like crap. The highs and lows are just too much and I do not want to be dependant on them for the rest of my life. I rather feel slightly miserable than have the soaring highs and crashing lows. It's just too much for me. I think most forms of medication are a scam and a bandaid solution to a deeper problem.

Where would Brazil's oil production be if Obama hadn't stopped American oil production in the Gulf?

are you suggesting that to continue to allow something to happen that destroyed peoples livlihoods in the Gulf Coastal area would be a good thing?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to avoid going back before the completion of the green card process due to expiration of visitor visa?

I am trying to apply for the green card for my parents as parents of a citizen. My parents are in US in visitor visa and it expires in four months. I believe it takes 5-6 months to process for the green card. I wanted to ask do they have to go back if their visa expires before the process is completed? Is there a way to avoid that? I have heard we can extend the visa but it is not reliable? Is there any other way? Please help!

Why have i been burping alot?

For some reason i was burping all days yesterday, and now again today? Could it be because i have a soar throat? If not, wat can i do? Btw im a 17 year old guy.

Why do kittens get soar eyes when you hold them to much?

we got a kitten about 6 weeks old and i was holding him and my mom said if you hold him for to long he will get soar does this happen?

How might I go about hiring a couple dozen seagulls to fly around and crap on people I don't like?

I'm assuming the seagulls around here are all citizens or legally able to work in the US, but if they're not can I pay them a lot less than I would be expected to pay American seagulls?

Environmental concerns of temperature on photosynthesis?

Its called evolution..constant change..plants and animals have been addapting to change for hundreds/thousands of years..if this werent the case we wouldnt be around..

Oh dear, here goes Britain again. No money to help it's own, but.....?

The very reccesion we are in is all constructed by governments to keep us from reaching the top rung... coz all of a sudden we will be out of it and rinky dinky do!!


Considering we've been going through the crappy ecomony over the years going as far back as geroge w.h. bush right up to barrack obama,it doesn't(my opinon)seem to be improving at all or any time soon.How do you as a citizen of all countries feel about the ecomony where you are at?

Is it okay to exercise when sick? ?

I have a mild soar throat, small cough, stuffy nose, and plugged ears. Would it be okay for me to exercise for an hour or two (..or three?) or would it make me sicker? This isn't a bad cold, but it was worse yesterday and I don't want to get sicker now that I'm feeling better than before. Thanks!!

What are three ecological roles of wetland?

i have to do a project for my science class and im not sure what wedsite i can trust to look up this questions... please help.. thanks

How long does it take to bring my adult children to the United States?

I am a legal permanent resident who will be a citizen when eligible. How long will it take to bring my adult children to the United States as permanent residents? (From the Philippines)

Thoughts on an excerpt that i wrote?

To me (a teen) it was AMAZING with the description but it wasn't that interesting to me. But again that's from a teen and I don't think we're your audience.

Which, mainly, are these courses: micro or macro?

What do u mean by this? I don't see what ur trying to relate with micro and macro and the 4 listed courses...

Scottish university tuition fees?

My son is currently at school in the uk. He is citizen of republic of Ireland. Is he entitled to free tuition at Scottish Universities

Racism = Nationalism when in White countries?

Europeans asked for it. Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and Latin Americans did not asked to get colonized. So when they finally got there independence in the 20th century they wanted to build their own countries for themselves, while European countries were independent for hundreds of years (I'm talking about how the people did not get colonized, since some European countries didn't even exist in the time of the colonies).

With a birth certificate can I get European citizenship?

Yes, but how old is he now? What years could "Jews" not get citizenship in "slovakia?"

Can you give me advice on trimming a cedar tree?

I have a cedar about three stories high on my property next to my neighbors' property line. Their cable and electric wires run through it at a little lower than the one story mark -- they got the electric co to trim some branches without my knowledge and then the neighbor was out there doing it, and saw him and stopped him because it IS my responsibility. He said he was calling his cable co. to see what they had to say about trimming close to their wires. Frankly, I think their concern is foolish because none of those branches could pull their wires in a storm, the only thing would be if the whole tree came down (it's alive and healthy) and that would take out wires from about four houses, including my own. But to keep peace in the neighborhood, tell me -- will denuding the tree of branches up to and maybe just past a story make the tree too top heavy and make it more likely to come down in a storm? I would hate to have to cut it down for so many reasons, ecological and financial, but if it's the only proper thing to do, it would have to be done. Any advice, very much appreciate.

Can I get a visa on arrival in Singapore if arriving by train from Malaysia?

I am a UK citizen. I know I can get a visa on arrival in Singapore but is this just at the airport or can I get it at the train station if I come that way from Kuala Lumpur?

What could make your heart rate soar?

the sound of flute works for me and it makes the hairs on the back of your necks stand up like wee drum 72...

How to get rid of a soar throat please help fast!?

I have a really bad soar throat and it was from yesterday night till now and it really burns but theres nothing else wrong with me,Just how to get rid of it i really need your help.I tried hot coco but it works only for a sec and i hate it and i want to get rid of it cuz last time i had it i lost my appittite evrything tasted weird.So please help i feel like theres blood in it and no medications or medciane please and im 12

Can I or My boyfriend get genital HSV-1?

Hi, about four days ago i gave my boyfriend oral sex and the next morning I got a cold soar. I'm wondering if I could have givin him genital hsv-1? Also we had intercoarse after so I wonder if I could have gotten it as well? He gets cold soares lik twice a year and this is my second cold soar my last one being a couple years about. This morning he got a little red dot(really small) on his penis, I also think he might be a little paranoid. Overall im worried if either of us have genital herpes. When will we know?

What will happen to a mom who faught a minor who is prego?

some family drama right girl friends sister has a record of fighting her daughter,and obviously other people as well...she has a nasty record we will i guess she was plastered drunk.decided to fight her daughter,who happens to be 4months prego.and he boyfriend...both who r minors....the daughter got sent to the hospital.and the horrible mother was question is,since she has a bad record already,and she isnt even a legal citizen here...what r they going to do with her?and what is the minimum and maximum punishment she will recieve?i am in cali....and trust me...i want something big to happen to her because that just isnt acceptable at all....even a legal citizen here...what r they going to do with her?and what is the minimum and maximum punishment she will recieve?i am in cali....and trust me...i want something big to happen to her because that just isnt acceptable at all....

Hot and Cold flashes?

it could be worth visiting your physician, I could be wrong but 20 is rather young to be getting into hot flashes, but i have heard of similar issues caused by the thyroid.

What does it take to be an US Air Force pilot?

I really wanna be a Neurosurgeon but I also want to help out my country. I love jets maybe to much. I would love to be soaring high above ground in a Top Secret military plane waiting to attack a target.. That's what I'd love to do.. I know this may sound cold, but I wouldn't mind killing someone for my country. I wouldn't mind killing someone at all to be perfectly honest. However I wouldn't kill someone for no reason so I certainly am not a threat to society don't take that the wrong way.. I wouldn't mind bombing a target.. Back to the question, what does it take to fly the Top Secret planes our military has? How long would I have to stay in? Can you join as a pilot and be flying right after training? I would really love to drop shoot those bombs at something.. I'd be good at that. Also, if I were to stay in for say... 4 years, how much of my schooling would they pay for and would they pay for Medical school? Thank you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My boyfriend just got an Cerebral Angiogram yesterday- is it normal to have pain just above the knee?

TO do that procedure the docs insert a catheter into the femoral artery. The location is right above the knee. The nerves in the body generally follow the arteries so the pain and the location are all due to the procedure.

Has anyone seen the story about these poor police dogs?

He wasn't to know what would happen? Right. Well then he is incredibly stupid OR he knew. It does not take a genius to realize it is hot outside and a dog should not be left in a car. Stupidity should not get cut a break.

Will I still have four more years to go until Im able to applyfor naturalization or do I have to start over?

I am from the Republic of Palau, a nation associated with the USA through the Compact of Free Association. Through this special relationship my country shares with the US, I am entitled to travel and apply for admission to the US without a passport or a visa. I can also work, go to school, and receive healthcare like any other US citizen can. I only need an I-94 to prove that I'm here legally as a non-immigrant and an US Social Security number. Now, I've been here in the USA, particularly in Virginia for over a year now but I have not applied for a green card. I understand that if a person wants to become an American national, they have to have had a green card and have resided in the USA for at least five years. Because I've only been here for a year, which cuts it down to four years until I'm eligible for naturalization, if I apply for green card, will I still have four more years to go until I can apply for naturalization or do I have to start all over again from the beginning because I didn't apply for green card the first time I came?

Why do white Americans make naturalized citizens feel so unwelcome?

That goes both ways man. Do you think French people will totally welcome an American with no discriminatory thoughts on the backburner? No. It's not just Americans man. It happens with every country.

If you don't have health insurance and you need to get surgery, what can you do?

My father in law is not a permanent resident or citizen of the US. He is currently dealing with immigration issues and needs to get surgery. He doesn't have money or health insurance - he's barely getting by. What can he do to get medical attention without the costs?

IF intelligent design were true and everything was created together, where did all the extinct species live?

on creation day since only about 1% of species that have ever lived are extant? Way overcrowded ecological niches much?

Atheists: Your thoughts on the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement?

There was actually a Christian sect which believed in not having sex at all, the Shakers. They relied on people converting to their beliefs in order to become a larger sect. Nowadays, they are mostly known for their furniture and a knitting stitch.

Why is government health coverage amazing, citizen coverage being faught for?

Why are vietnam veterans denied coverage at VA Hospitals like Hines in Illinois based on newly covered people needing to only be covered if their injury is War related yet ( I work in a local Funeral Home ) most alll deaths at the VA are Chronic Alcoholism or Diabetes related: neither are 100% directly war related?!?!

Any rich ethical people want to buy some of my carbon foot print allowance?

Good question Trisha , you illustrate how stupid the proposed Carbon Tax is ?The world could cut back significantly on our carbon imput by implementing a substainable birth rate policy, instead of letting our numbers double and treble.

Does breast cancer hurt?

No. If it weren't for my yearly mammogram I would have never known I had Breast Cancer. I could have walked around with it for years, and wouldn't be the wiser....Sounds like you pulled a muscle, or have a simple cyst, or a cause of the implant. Definitely not breast cancer. And not at the age of 23. I was diagnosed at 44, and they thought "I" was too young. I am sure the doctor can put your mind at ease right away. Good Luck.

4.5 weeks pregnant and confused..?

I went to planned parenthood yesterday and had a positive pregnancy test. By the date of my last period they saybim 4.5 weeks. this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have a 3 year old boy and had a misscarriage a year ago. I am very moody and craving everyyhing. Im also tired and gasy and pee alot. My breasts are soar and I am very sensitive to smell as well. Now I am totally against abortion but my bf thinks the abortion pill is a good idea. I dont think I could live with myself if I did. I am already expieriencing so many symtoms so fast and im not sure if I could be possibly farther along. Any advise would help...

Could I be Pregnant? (Young help)?

Pregnancy symptoms don't start until around 2-3 weeks after unprotected sex which is also when you can take a pregnancy test. Even if he didn't *** in you pregnancy is still possible just not as likely. Get on birth control if you aren't going to use condoms, unless you want to get pregnant. It's not worth the risk.

Whats wrong with me??!!?

So it all started with a soar throat and then i had a low fever (99-100) and it goes away after 2 days and that night i look at my stomach and it has a rash i just ignore it and go to bed and i wake up in the middle of the night and really need to itch and i find the rash spread everywhere on my body! and my fingers are swelled!! What happened??!! And how do i get rid of it fast

Higher voice?????? help!!?

ok hi giirls so i got my very first period on may 8th and today id june 22nd and my voice is higher only when i sing but when i talk it sounds like im about to have a soar throut?? wat could it be?????? or is it puberty lol haha

Wasn't the hippy movement more about political reform than ecological conservationism?

I thought the Hippy movement was all about, 'Free Love' 'Make love not war' 'Smoke some weed', y'know stuff like that!

Is it normal for download speeds to change constantly?

I am downloading a game off steam, and while looking at the download rate I noticed that the speed constantly changed. It sometimes went down to 155 kbps to 220 kbps. And once it soared to 612 kbps for a couple seconds. Is this a normal thing?

I want to marry a legal mexcian citizen. Is there a period of time she has to remain in the US?

Onnce we are married I know we have to apply for a visa form 130. I just want to see if there are any restrictions for her to remain in the country. I want to know if she can travel outside the country with me.

Question about the book, world without us by allen weisman?

You might want to wiki it if you want a summary and also go on amazon or Barnes and Noble if you want an option on the book.

Immigration question please?

If a child has parent in the USA and one in Europe and the mom and child go there and the child is a citizen of both countries. And they both have joint custody can the parent from Europe keep the child there since the child is a citizen there also? What are ways the parent in the USA can protect the child from the parent in Europe from keeping the child in Europe?

What is the bump near my behind?

I have a reddish bump about the size of a peanut mm. Its is right along where the edge of my pantys lay on my behind. It was very soar and uncomfortable.

Joint custody with someone in another country?

If a child has parent in the USA and one in Europe and the mom and child go there and the child is a citizen of both countries. And they both have joint custody can the parent from Europe keep the child there since the child is a citizen there also? What are ways the parent in the USA can protect the child from the parent in Europe from keeping the child in Europe?

How has evolution influenced the skeleton design of a Meerkat?

For part of my assignment I need to know how evolution has influenced the design of a Meerkats skeleton and say how the animals skeletal design has adapted according to the ecological niche and their habitat through evolution.

Is The Predominately White Media Afraid Of Being Labeled A Racist.?

The media criticized former President George Bush every single day,now we have a huge deficit, forecloses are at record levels,unemployment remains high,gas prices are soaring and we are directly involved in four wars, the media refuses to criticize this administration, are liberal journalist ignoring reality out of fear of being labeled a racist.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are there things that creationist can't explain?

I mean what are creationists' explanation for Toba supereruption and impact craters here in earth? If humans coexisted with dinosaur, how did humans survive without being harmed by dinosaurs? Wouldn't there be an ecological collapse if during the first week of creation everyone was vegetarian? They claim that science does not explain everything. Correct me if I am wrong but if humans descended from Adam and Eve (and they are the only humans during those times. The bible does not tell that there are other humans that were created.) and if their children breed among themselves, then, shouldn't there be some genetic diseases that will be passed on to the human race and human genes does not show any variability?

What helps for a soar throat .?

I recently discovered I possibly have mono and my throat is swollen . Besides popsicles and fluids does anyone have any other suggestions ?

Would the dollar be worthless if the US default on debt?

If the US isn't honouring its debt it guaranteed, why would they honour it to anybody including own citizens.

The branching "tree of life" analogy?

C seems like the best answer to me. Only the lower life forms such as bacteria can survive in isolation. Most higher animals depend on other animals or plants for their survival and would die if they lost their food source.

Do Conservatives find something wrong with the fact that prisoners get free health care, but not citizens?

Prisoners also get free food, free heat in the winter, and a free bed to sleep in every night. This is why Jesse Jackson famously said that, for many ghetto youths, jail is a step up. Personally, I liked the old approach where youthful miscreants were given a chance to join the army as an alternative to jail time. Older convicts spent the day on road gangs to earn their "benefits." If they tried to run away from the road gang, a dude standing guard would shoot them in the back with a rifle. Imagine the job satisfaction there!

I want to move to mexico from uk?

This is true, you need to go see or at least write to the Mexican Embassy in London, there they will help you with the paperwork you require, i lived there and did not need a Visa, but i had to apply for an FM2 or FM3, the FM3 is if you want to work so when you get to Mexico apply for one, they will tell you what your require, if you do go, make sure you take translated copies of you documents, Birth Certificate is very useful. Mexico is a cheap country to live but can be hard to find work at time, although the economy is not hit bad with the recession.

Do I need a marital visa right away to return with my new wife to the UK, as she is a citizen of London?

I am an American 2x felon (a drug charge in 2000 and a theft charge in 2006). My fiancee is a UK citizen, and we are planning to meet in Cyprus. I plan on marrying her over there, and I wish to return to the London with her afterwards. I've heard that London is really strict on who they let into their country, but I've also heard that they like to keep families (married couples) together. Would I really need to get a marital visa before I can enter, or would they just respect our marriage license? I hope you guys can help me out here... Thanks in advance!

Why are my breasts soar?

There not super super soar but when i run or jump they hurt and they feel harder. I'm 16 and my period already passed and I know I'm not pregnant because I haven't had sex in 5 months so any suggestions should I consult my doctor or do you think there just growing because there only size B?

Soar throat and diarrhea?

I started out 2 days ago with a really dry throat and now its been hurting pretty bad but I also started in with diarrhea for over 2 days its just pure water not clear and it smells really horrible.I woke up this morning with a low grade fever too. Alls I want to do is sleep for hours. What could I have and is there anything I can take. I have been sipping on 7 up but it hurts to swallow.

Trouble breathing when taking Avelox, Help?

You are having bad reactions to the meds.You should try some natural treatments.After taking your anti biotics,you need to replace your good bacteria with pro biotics and most drs do not tell people this.The anti biotcs kill off your good bacteria,leaving you wide open for an nasty bug.Throat Coat tea by Traditional Medicinals is good for a sore throat.Avoid foods that cause mucus to build up in your dairy,meat and wheat,unless you get sprouted wheat or raw milk,you may be ok with that.EFAS and pineapple are good anti inflammatories and will help the breathing.Astragalus is good for lung function.

Where in the U.S. constitution does it say the federal government can....?

it does not and that's why our great leader who claims to be a constitutional lawyer has no idea whats in there and wants it to be changed

Am i required to register for selective service system even though i am neither an immigrant nor a citizen?

i am neither an immigrant nor an american citizen but i received a letter from the selective service system and asking me to register. i am an adopted son of a retired navy and is residing in japan right now and i am under the status of forces agreement. am i required to do it?

I Have a very big canker soar on the top of my lip. How do I get it off in 5 days?

For me getting cankers is common. I get them from eating any kind of citrus. About two days ago I noticed a very soar pain on my upper lip. I noticed a canker was just starting i have now had it for about three days today and it really hurts. So bad that i cant really talk without it hurting. I am going away for a trip in 5 days and i do not want a canker to spoil it. So if anybody know any at home remedy's or if there is a prouduct that will make it go away fast please tell me. I would really appreciate any answers that you give!!

Citizen's Bank Hiring and Interview Process?

I recently applied to become a personal banker at citizen's bank. I had the phone interview, which went well. I then met with the hiring branch manager who thought I was great for the position. Literally right after that interview I followed her to the other branch down the street and met with the regional manager. I was advised she makes the final say. I come to realize her step-son went to the same school as I and it just seemed to be a very easy going interview. Lot of laughing; telling me about the job and so forth. Based on my credentials I believe I am more then qualified I feel. She ended the interview with the fact, we still need to go have a few more interviews and we will have our decision by Tuesday of this upcoming week. Just wanted some input on what you think. I really need this job....

I get stuck in a third world country, How to get out of it? Help me god damn it!?

Take a bus close to the border. Walk out across the fields. Cross where there are no check points. Hang out in the hostals with the back packers. Get a job at a hostal. I see it all of the time.

Are lighter eyebrows more attractive?

Maybe. I never thought about it that way- it might look a little less "threatening" and more approachable in that way? But if you're going for a more rugged, masculine look, then I would say the second picture is better.

Can my mom send me out of the country even if im 18?

hi was born in brasil but im a u.s citizen my mom is american im about to be 18 in 1 month she says that if i move out the house when i turn 18 she will send me back to brasil because she made me a citizen i dont know is that right? she also says that she could do that because im not over 21. and says that if i move out or scape it would affect on my sisters papers because shes trying to bring them. i dont know anything about that please help me

Boy problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Just act like it never happened. If he likes you, he will probably try to say something. When i told my bgf that i liked him he didn't like me back. So the next day he acted like it never happened and it was a relief for it to not be akward.

Am i pregnant or something else?

ok may 28th i had sex and on june 5th and 6th my last period was may 20th my periods last for 4 to 5 days. this month a week before my period my nipples changed color the tip of them turned Purple and the outer part is a little darker then normal. my period was supposed to start on friday the 17th but started the 18th i normally fill a tampon every 2 hours but i only used 4 tampons in 11 hours but my bleeding was light pink at first then brown then the next day it looked like a normal period with blood clots the size of pen tip then i stopped bleeding for 13 hours and now im loosing about a tea spoon every hour. i feel tired sick my head hurts im eating allot at night but not in the day time and After i eat i want to sleep. oh and my first day of bleeding it was a clear mucus mixed in with it. my boobs have gotin wider nipples have grown in size not allot. and i have a cold soar or stress soar idk what it is. but everyone at my work keep asking me if im pregnant cuz of the wy im acting and how my body is changing. i can feel when my period is coming i can always feel it in my back but i didnt feel anything this time and i was bloated a week before i started bloating. so whats going on? could i be pregnant?

Is swat ointment safe to put on eye soars?

I would not put anything that is not intended to go in the eye too close to the eye. Eyes are sensitive organs on any animal and are very important for a horse, so you should always approach treatment of eyes with caution and consult a veterinarian before applying any ointment to the eye. If the problem is just flies, then try a fly repellent for the face such as "War Paint". a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The stuff works pretty well but be sure to follow the directions on the label. We used this stuff at the vet clinic where I worked and it did wonders on keeping the horses fly-free. If these sores are caused by fly irritation then keeping the flies away might allow them time to heal on their own. However, if these horses are not your horses, then I would not apply anything to them without permission of the owners. If they are your horses, or if you are able, I suggest having a vet out to look at the horses and be sure that nothing more is going on with them.

What you think of this poem? Comment if u want :)?

It's pretty good but maybe you might want to look at the length of your sentences .I think it still flowed good .Maybe think about this .........Skies without limit blue in their scheme don't need to over explain stuff in a poem. I'm not saying it's bad I only think you could clean it up some to make it a really great poem .I only did one sentence to show an example. Good job though .Keep writing.

Do I have the right to beat myself up?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do you agree with the UK civil servant strike today?

Over 750000 civil service workers in the U.K. are expected to go on strike this week over deep ... and said "passengers who can do so may wish to travel on other dates. ... It's difficult to say, but you can see signs." ...

Self study book on Social Justice and Peace...?

I was thinking of taking a course on this subject, but I decided to back out. I don't have enough time to get ready. The course will be investigating the root causes of poverty, conflict, and systemic ecological degradation. Are there any books on this subject that I can buy and read for myself instead of paying 500 for a course?

How To Become a U.K. Citizen?

speak to an embassy being from the us we would proberly let you in if you had a reason to be here lke study or work you would have to go speak to somone with more knowledge though and they can explain the steps you need to take

Will agreeing to a short sale affect my ability to travel the world?

I am an american citizen. I own a house in Utah County. I am considering agreeing to a short sale so that I can go to school full time. I will finish my schooling in the next year or so and want to travel the world. Will my ability to enter countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweeden, etc be affected by a short sale on my credit?

Sex on the 4th day of your period....?

Okay so my Girlfriend and I had sex on the 4th day of her period... from what I know if you're pregnant on the following days there would be soaring changes (tender breasts, etc) She started June 17 and then made sex on June 20... She said she bled on June 21 and after that (following day) the blood disappeared... please help us, we don't want to wait till her next period comes. She said she didn't felt anything hot or something inside her, I also said I didn't *** inside her (We did it ONLY for 3 times but we keep on stopping like 5-15 mins...) . But we saw this liquid thing when I pulled my penis out and she said she wants to pee but can't (we did it in the car) I'm sure I didn't *** inside her... Please... I NEED YOUR HELP T_T (She's bleeding when we did it) WE need your HELP T_T

If my mom became a US citizen before I turned 21 does it grant me an automatic greencard?

No, she can petition for it. See this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I cannot lift my big toe upwards? Read description?

Okay so today i played soccer, for the first time in a while and I was shooting constantly and aggressively(very hard) anyways my calf and ankle have been really soar and two hours after I got back from the field, I realized that I could not lift my big toe on my right foot, which btw is my kicking foot, i can bend it downward but not upwards and it's pissing me off.Is this something I should be worried about and what can i do to help it? PLZZ HEELLP, IM FREAKING OUT NOW!!

Aching pains.. symptoms of plan B pill?

My last period ended on the 6th and I had to use the plan B pill on the 12th because our condom broke, and it is now the 18th. This morning I woke up with upper abdominal pain and as the day has gone by the pain has progressed to my lower and upper abdominal as well as to the right side of the middle of my back. It is just really soar, feeling like its brused but its not. Is this one of the symptoms to taking plan B or should I be worried? Thanks.

1 week late..Do you think im pregnant?

well i would take a pregnancy test they are a dollar at the dollar store! and if its positive tell your mom she wont be as mad at you when you tell her! if your not then have her take you Doctor and get some birth control because being a teen mom not that fun promise am a teen mom of two and i got lucky that my husband stuck around some men don't! but i wish you all the luck and if any one mean to they just dont understand because there not you so just ignore it!

Boy problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

dont worry. the whole thing about boys hating it when you like thi=em isnt true. he probably said fine because he likes you too. if you really dont feel comfortable going to school just tell your parents that you feel really sick... another thing to make the sick thing look legit is. take two advil right before you go to bed. make sure its on an empty stomach then go to sleep. you wake up with a bad stomach ache. you get all pale and sweaty and it looks like you might puke... it feels that way too. if you eat something it will go away but its a cool trick!

What are some cool names for a team that have to do with eagles or flying?

I am going to be the leader of a team at Bible camp this next week and i have to think of a cool team name for my team... but i cant think of any. The theme is "soaring on wings like eagles." Any suggestions? Thanks! :)

I think I know why the Chinese government doesn't allow internet access for Chinese citizens?

Because all of the single, lonely, desperate, Chinese guys don't want to see the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of White man/Asian woman p0rn videos.

What would be required for, and how would you go about, going to college in Germany when you're a US citizen?

If you wanted to move to Germany and go to college there, what would you have to do? What would you have to do to become a citizen there? How could you get a job there?

Help with my period !?

Now would be a good time to take a pregnancy test and see what it could be. You could be pregnant and the bleeding that you thought was your period could have just been implantation bleeding. So now would be a good tine to find out.

Do you have any American first name that go with last name is Nguyen?

Any Cute And Meaning Name? ;) Im 14 yrs old and just wants to know a name so I could change my name when I pass my US Citizen Test.

What if tax brackets worked this way why can't the rich pay 70% on the first few 000 dollars too flat rate p?

The Income Tax cannot be fixed in an equitable manner, because it is not administered in a way that it is written. Income is not defined in the code, but has been by court cases. If these were adhered to, then people would not pay the tax on their labor. The rich would pay tax on all money made off of their gains and investments which is as it should be. The tax was meant to be a tax on wealth and not a tax on labor. Labor is man's property and should not be taxed and is very finite.Some people get the withholding tax mixed up with the income tax when discussing it.