Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Male with bump under left nipple area?

Alright well here's the issue I'm having and first off I want to say I've been to my primary doctor a bunch of times in the last month but just noticed this today. 26/male/active not overweight 5"10 164 pounds. Ok directly above my left nipple, I have what feels like a squishy bump under my skin about the size of a nickle and it's not from what I can feel perfectly circlular shape. It has like a tail on its like a nickle with a tail and squichy. It moves around if I use my two fingers and need on it like a cat. After i move it around for a min my chest gets soar almost feels like a burning sensation. Now about a month and a half ago I noticed that my left rib right in line with this bump swelled or at least it feels swelled and I went to the er the night i felt the rib and they ran everything from ultra sounds to ekg's and drew blood from my artery ect..and nothing was wrong with my heart. What I did notice though is that the when they did the ultrasound it was more of just where my heart is, not in the nipple area. What could this be? maybe a sist? or a turmor? Whatever it is it's swelled up and I'm 90% sure it's whats making my rib feel swollen as well. Also in my left trap muscle area (that little triangle pouch between your back and your front collar bone trap area i guess right in front of your actual trap muscle theres a triangle shape made by your back and front collar bone?) it feels swollen as well..when i say swollen its not hudge but it's inflammed like i touch it on my left and theres not alot of "triangle" space but on my right theres alot more space there meaning the "triangle" indents more on my right then on my left. Any info would be helpful and I am going to my primary again in the morning. Thanks!

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