Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do you stop a coughing fit?

Last Friday I got a cold, and now I think it's gotten worse! I cough every second and it won't stop! I've eaten hot soup, drank tons of water, and 2 packages of cough drops. This cough has gone on for 5 days now and it just won't stop! When I sleep, I don't cough, I can't lay on my back because I'll cough so I'm always on my side of some sort. I can't eat dry foods because I get a HUGE coughing fit if I do, I can't talk much because I get another coughing fit so I'm stuck with pen and paper all the time. My nose is constantly runny and my coughing has gotten so bad that my throat hurts and my lungs and stomach are pinching with pain because the small coughs come every 1 minute or 30 seconds. I had a mucus problem in my through before but it's gone now and instead I'm getting a dry/soar throat. My lungs are in serious pain because the coughing just won't quit! I try and get as much sleep as I can and nothing's working! I doubt medicine will do anything because it's only temporary...Should I ask my doctor for more help?

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