Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Should the millions of young illegal immigrants that were brought here be granted American citizens' rights?

I understand that if brought here as children, educated here, having American friends makes these children feel much more American. I really understand that they want to stay here. The problem is these children through no fault of their own are illegal aliens as are their parents. I do not think these children should have to pay a penalty but I do think that they should have to go back to their home country and apply for legal residency. Their parents should definitely have to pay a penalty that includes any moneys spent on them or their children. Things like medical care, education, and housing assistance. They should of course also have to return to their home country and apply for legal residency. No other country would just allow illegal immigrants to become legal. None. We need to secure our borders. Illegal immigration needs to be brought to a dead stop.

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